Implementing Agency: EE & REM Centre, Deptt of Power, GNCTD
Policy Validity: 3 years (up to 13th March 2027)
Scope of Policy: Any solar energy generating system of a capacity of 1 KWp or more
Target Capacity: Cumulative 750 MW of rooftop solar in 3 years
Models for Consumers with Roof Constraints
Group Net Metering (GNM): Allows surplus energy exported from a consumer’s solar plant to be adjusted in any other service connection of the same consumer within the same DISCOM territory.
Community Solar: Consumers without a suitable roof can be part-owners of a community-owned solar system installed at a third-party location.
Peer to Peer (P2P) Energy Trading: Consumers can purchase electricity from others with solar PV systems through a digital trading platform in real time.
Models for Consumers with Capital Constraints
RESCO Mode: Consumers can opt for Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) models if they lack capital.
Hybrid RESCO Model: The RESCO developer leases the rooftop and sells power to DISCOM via PPA, while the consumer signs a net-metering agreement.
Generation-Based Incentives (GBI)
Type of Consumer
Monthly GBI (INR per kWh)
Residential: Up to 3kW
Residential: 3-10kW
Group Housing Societies/RWAs: Up to 500kW
Commercial and Industrial (first 200 MW)
Capital Subsidy
Applicable to residential customers at Rs. 2,000 per kW, up to a maximum of Rs. 10,000 per consumer.
Additional Points
Exemption from inspection for solar plants up to 500 KVA.
Mandatory deployment of solar plants on existing State Government properties with a rooftop area of 500 sq.m. or above.
Mandatory rooftop solar installations on new residential, institutional, government, commercial, and industrial buildings as per Unified Building Bye Laws (UBBL).
Formation of an Apex Committee led by the Minister of Power, GNCTD.
Dedicated ‘Delhi Solar Cell’ for policy implementation monitoring.
Rooftop solar installations in Government buildings managed by IPGCL.